Showing 1–12 of 129 results

11th Century Norman Sword

Original price was: $202.00.Current price is: $60.60.
This 11th century Norman sword is a functional stage weapon that is perfect for your reenactment or stage combat from

14th Century War Sword – SH2366 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $281.00.Current price is: $84.30.
The 14th century marked the beginning of the Hundred Years War between England and France, which lasted well into the

15th Century Mercenary Sword – SH2368 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $350.50.Current price is: $100.00.
The mercenary or routier of the medieval period was, in a nutshell, a soldier for hire by either side in

16th Century Hand and a Half Sword

Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $97.50.
This 16th century hand and a half sword is a stunning representation of weapons from that time. Click to learn

Albrecht Hand and a Half Sword

Original price was: $369.00.Current price is: $99.00.
When you wish to enter combat with an elegant yet functional sword, look no further than the Albrecht Hand and

Antiqued Basket-Hilt Backsword

Original price was: $498.00.Current price is: $100.00.
If you wish to fight for your kingdom with the style of a Highlander warrior, then the Antiqued Basket-Hilt Backsword

Antiqued Basket-Hilt Broadsword

Original price was: $471.00.Current price is: $98.00.
Why not head into battle with a sword that looks as experienced as you are? Make sure that you check

Antiqued Mortuary Hilt Sword

Original price was: $492.00.Current price is: $98.00.
Do you wish that you could fight like a 17th century cavalryman or dragoon officer? Wield the Antiqued Mortuary Hilt

Bamboo Katana – SH1002 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $660.00.Current price is: $100.00.
The Bamboo Katana takes its inspiration from the time when carrying a samurai sword was banned and the warrior carried

Bamboo Mat Katana – SH2438 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $1,108.00.Current price is: $100.00.
Bamboo is a popular design motif in Japanese designs. The Bamboo Mat Katana honors this fast-growing plant with its highly

Bamboo Mat Wakizashi – SH2448 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $880.00.Current price is: $99.00.
As you wish to become a mighty samurai, you must have a sword like the Bamboo Mat Wakizashi to wield

Banshee – SH2126 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $278.00.Current price is: $83.40.
The Banshee sword takes its inspiration from two fierce Asian bladed weapons, the Thai Krabi and a close relative, the