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Black Blade Naval Cutlass – BK-CTK36024HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $87.50.
Every sailor needs a sword to keep the crew and cargo safe, so make sure yours gets the job done

Condor Dadao Sword – BK-CTK35819HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $87.50.
Typically, the Chinese sabre ends in a narrow point for stabbing and slashing. The Chinese broadsword, however, has a wider

Condor Ironside Viking Sword – BK-CTK10144 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $309.00.Current price is: $92.70.
Bjorn Ironside, the alleged son of legendary Viking Ragnar Lodbrok, was one of the most famous Vikings and the founder

Condor Mainz Gladius – BK-CTK1001195HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $292.00.Current price is: $87.60.
Roman Legions were renowned for the brutal fighting spirit of individual soldiers as well as the discipline and organization of

Condor Tactana Sword – BK-CTK500208HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $268.00.Current price is: $80.40.
Combining the cutting power of a traditional katana with the convenience of a shorter sword, the Condor Tactana Sword gives

Kondoru Wakizashi – BK-CTK10131675HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $89.10.
When warriors of feudal Japan wore a wakizashi together with a katana, it was the official sign that the wearer

Sinbad the Sailor Sword – BK-CTK35722HC – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $87.50.
A heroic sailor of Middle Eastern origin, Sinbad is a fictional character known for his fantastic voyages and magical journeys.