Showing 1–12 of 45 results

15th Century Battle of Nicopolis Longsword

Original price was: $234.23.Current price is: $70.27.
Taking the 15th Century Battle of Nicopolis Longsword into battle, you await the onslaught of the enemy and the victory

15th Century Hand and a Half Knight Sword

Original price was: $211.61.Current price is: $63.48.
Be ready to attack, brave warrior. With the 15th Century Hand and a Half Knight Sword in hand, you know

15th Century Hand and a Half Sword With Scabbard – DS-1537 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $615.00.Current price is: $100.00.
This 15th Century Hand and a Half Sword with Scabbard is a practical warriors sword with a hardy make and

15th Century Hand and a Half Sword With Scabbard and Belt – DS-1537B – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $710.00.Current price is: $100.00.
This 15th Century Hand and a Half Sword with Scabbard and Belt is a practical warriors sword with a hardy

Agincourt War Sword – 501506 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $330.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Fans of medieval blade replicas are sure to appreciate the expert craftsmanship evident in the Agincourt War Sword. Forged by

Aldhelm S-Guard German Longsword by Cold Steel

Original price was: $770.00.Current price is: $99.00.
Take up your guard, answer the challenge, and defend your honor with the Aldhelm S-Guard German Longsword by Cold Steel.

Alexandria Sword with Scabbard

Original price was: $675.00.Current price is: $99.00.
The Alexandria Sword with Scabbard is a replica of a 15th century original known as the Harriet Dean Sword, which

Alexandria Sword with Scabbard and Belt

Original price was: $770.00.Current price is: $99.00.
As a replica of a 15th century original known as the Harriet Dean Sword, the Alexandria Sword with Scabbard and

APOC Survival Longsword

Original price was: $193.00.Current price is: $96.50.
No one living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland should be without a weapon at hand. Make sure to check out the

Black Death Sword With Scabbard – DS-1372 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $672.50.Current price is: $100.00.
Aesthetically pleasing is a great way to describe this Black Death Sword, but do not think for a second that

Black Death Sword With Scabbard and Belt – DS-1372B – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $767.50.Current price is: $99.00.
Aesthetically pleasing is a great way to describe this sword, but do not think that this weapon is just a

Black Prince Edward Sword

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $98.00.
The Black Prince Edward Sword is a collectible piece, wonderful for costume and decorative use. Make sure to check out