Celtic Dragon Ashtray – SC8381 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $7.20.
A dragon slayer from the silver screen once claimed that dragons fed on death and ash. If this is true,

Celtic Dragon Claw Keepsake Box – CC11431 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $7.20.
The white globe glows softly, beckoning you to draw near to the box that sits high upon the shelf. With

Celtic Dragon Goblet – CC10701 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $14.40.
Ideal for Celtic or gothic table styles, this striking dragon glass will set any dinner display apart from the rest.

Celtic Dragon Round Trinket Box

Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $11.20.
Dragons are powerful creatures of myth and legend. They guard their treasures. Let one guard your things with the Celtic

Celtic Dragon Sandtimer – SC7961 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $21.60.
Time is a precious commodity, as once you have used it all up, there is no way to get more.

Celtic Dragon Tomb Trinket Box

Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $15.20.
In the heart of an ancient temple lies the Celtic Dragon Tomb Trinket Box, a relic said to hold the

Celtic Dragon Wine Goblet – CC10076 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00.
Dragons are one of the most powerful images of Celtic mythology, often being used as a heraldic symbol for the

Celtic Dragons Tankard – CC10084 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.
Dragons remain notable for their size and reptilian appearance, often appearing with fierce majesty. The Celtic Dragons Tankard displays two

Celtic Druid King Dagda Statue

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $31.50.
There are many figures in Celtic mythology. The Celtic Druid King Dagda Statue features the mythical king of the Tuatha

Celtic Earth Goddess Danu Statue

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.
If you are a fan of Celtic myths and legends, then you are sure to appreciate the design of the

Celtic God Cernunnos Sitting Statue – WU-1727 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $66.00.Current price is: $33.00.
According to Celtic mythology, this horned deity bestows blessings in life, fertility, and nature. In the scene presented by the

Celtic Goddess Brigid Statue – WU-1892 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $73.00.Current price is: $36.50.
In Celtic mythology, Brigid was the goddess of the hearth and home, keeping the kindling alive and bestowing the dwelling