Showing 445–456 of 500 results

Templar Cross Sword

Original price was: $190.21.Current price is: $95.11.
No matter where you go on your adventures, you make sure that you carry a sword worthy of you. You

Templar Knight Dagger

Original price was: $83.11.Current price is: $41.56.
Warrior, when you head out on a mighty Crusade, there are many dangers that await you. Protect yourself with the

Templar Mask Great Helm – AH-6110 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $175.09.Current price is: $87.55.
The Templar Mask Great Helm is based on the transitional helms of the Crusades era, particularly those that were used

Templar Warrior Sword – AH-3288N – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $157.45.Current price is: $78.73.
The Templars are a well-known knightly order, about which there is much mystery and intrigue. This Templar Warrior Sword calls

Teutonic Arming Sword

Original price was: $249.43.Current price is: $74.83.
Crusaders heading into battle on the stage should have a sword to aid them in their fight. Wield the Teutonic

Teutonic German Longsword

Original price was: $270.85.Current price is: $81.26.
Warriors such as yourself do not underestimate the power of a sword on the battlefield. You wield the Teutonic German

Teutonic Knights Sword

Original price was: $249.43.Current price is: $74.83.
Warrior, as you head out to join the Crusades, make sure to take a sword with you to fight. Wield

Tewkesbury Sword – AH-3371 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $224.17.Current price is: $67.25.
This Tewkesbury Sword with its classic style would make a great long sword to keep at your side at a

The Holy Lance – AH-4230 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $147.37.Current price is: $73.69.
At the Imperial Treasury, housed in Vienna, Austria, rests The Holy Lance. Said to belong to a Roman soldier, Longinus,

Thin Leaf Dart Arrowhead – AH-3522-18 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $12.42.Current price is: $9.94.
Arrowheads are like knives – they have many designs, and it is best to choose the right one for the

Thracian Helmet I – AH-6206 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $268.33.Current price is: $80.50.
For a soldier, this Thracian Helmet I was far too constricting, limiting vision and other senses. For a gladiator, this

Tiberius Gladius Sword

Original price was: $361.57.Current price is: $100.00.
Roman generals and emperors should have a magnificent sword at their side ready for battle. Be sure to check out