Showing 1–12 of 23 results

Bronze Head of Medusa Wall Hook

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $37.60.
You can bring Greek mythology to life in your favorite space by hanging something from the Bronze Head of Medusa

Bronze Head Of Medusa Wall Plaque

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $37.60.
Whether you enjoy Greek mythology or plaques with frightening style, you should make sure to check out the Bronze Head

Bronze Medusa Greek Pantheon Statue

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.
No Greek myth would be complete without an adversary or monster. Bring some mythology into your life and home with

Bronze Medusa Statue – WU-1682 – Medieval Collectibles

Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $35.20.
Once a beautiful woman with lovely hair, Medusa was cursed with her scaly form and lethal gaze by the goddess

Furious Medusa Greek Monster Statue

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $24.00.
Keeping a fierce gaze over your space, the Furious Medusa Greek Monster Statue stands ready to fire at anyone who

Furious Medusa with a Bow Statue

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $39.50.
Medusa is one of the most popular monsters from myth. The Furious Medusa with a Bow Statue depicts the monster

Hand Forged Medieval Shield Nails – Set of 10

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.
The Set of 10 Hand Forged Medieval Shield Nails is the perfect addition to any medieval enthusiasts collection or DIY

LED Medusa Bust Statue

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.
The famous Medusa turned people to stone in Greek mythology. The LED Medusa Bust Statue brings the guardian monster to

Medusa Archery Statue

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $27.50.
If you enjoy learning about Greek mythology or love the aesthetic, make sure that you check out the Medusa Archery

Medusa Backflow Burner

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.
Light up this Medusa Backflow Burner in your abode and watch as it transforms your space into a lair of

Medusa Beer Stein

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.
Whether you enjoy Greek mythology, or you love to collect unique drinking vessels, the Medusa Beer Stein is sure to

Medusa Bust Statue

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.40.
One of the most popular monsters of Greek myths, Medusa was famous for her snake hair. The Medusa Bust Statue